
LuckyCrates-NK 1.1.2


LuckyCrates-NK is an exciting and customizable plugin for Nukkit, designed to bring a new level of fun and rewards to your server through engaging crate systems. Whether you want to offer common items, custom creations, enchanted gear, or execute commands upon crate opening, LuckyCrates-NK has got you covered.

This plugin is inspired by PiggyCrates.


  • Easy Configuration: Set up your crates effortlessly using the crates.yml file.
  • Item Drops: Define a variety of drops, including normal items, custom items, enchanted items, and commands.
  • Multilingual Support: Seamless support for both English and Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) languages.
  • Crate Types: Choose between instant rewards and roulette-style crates for diverse player experiences.
Getting Started
  1. Download the latest release from LuckyCrates.
  2. Download the depend plugin FakeInventories v1.1.8
  3. Place the JAR file into the plugins folder of your Nukkit server.
  4. Start or reload your server.
Edit the crates.yml file in the plugin folder to customize your crates. Refer to the provided examples for detailed instructions on configuring your crates.
# Name crates
  # maximum drop is 36 slots, if it is higher it will be ignored
    # Example of Normal Items
    - id: 1
      meta: 0
      amount: 16
      chance: 25 # chance 1 - 100
    # Example of Custom Item
    # name = customName
    # lore = description
    - id: 263
      meta: 0
      name: "Item Custom"
      lore: "nice item made by angga7togk"
      chance: 75
      amount: 10
    # Example of item + enchant
    - id: 278
      meta: 0
      amount: 1
      chance: 10
      name: "Telepathic Pickaxe"
      lore: "Items mined are transported into your inventory"
        - name: "unbreaking"
          level: 1
        - name: "knockback"
          level: 1
    # Example of using Command
    - id: 49
      meta: 0
      amount: 32
      chance: 15
      name: "Money 1000"
        - "givemoney {player} 1000"
        - "give {player} bread 1"
      broadcast: "{player} gets reward {reward}"
  # amount, is the number of keys needed when opening crates
  amount: 1
  # Commands are commands that are executed when the player opens the crate
  # just remove the command if you don't want to use the command
    - "say {player} has opened an Common Crate"
  # floating text, which will appear on crates / blocks that have been made into crates in the world
  floating-text: "§f§lCommon §eGacha Crates\n§bClick Here"

Commands and Permissions
  • /setcrate <crate> - Set a crate by breaking a block.
    • Permission: crates.command.setcrate
  • /key <crate> <amount> <player> - Give a specified amount of keys for a crate to a player.
    • Permission: crates.command.key
  • /keyall <crate> <amount> - Give a specified amount of keys for a crate to all online players.
    • Permission: crates.command.keyall
Multilingual Support
LuckyCrates-NK seamlessly supports both English and Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) languages, automatically detecting the player's language preference.

Crate Types
LuckyCrates-NK offers two crate types:
  • Instant Crates: Immediate rewards upon opening.
  • Roulette Crates: Players spin the roulette for a chance to win different items.
Icon By Flaticon

Additional Information
This plugin is tested and compatible with FakeInventories v1.1.8
Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements on GitHub.
Enjoy the thrill of LuckyCrates-NK on your Nukkit server!
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest updates

  1. v1.1.2

    **News Update** - Change java 8 - Update dependency FakeInventories v1.1.8 - LuckyCrates for...
  2. v1.0.7

    Fix position floating text on center
  3. fix Enchantment

    fix get enchant by name, which in Nukkit v1.0-SNAPSHOT is missing

Latest reviews

This plugin is good, same like PiggyCrate on Pmmp but better